Riesgoso para templos mantener sus puertas abiertas, se roban hasta ostias

(Risks for temples to keep their doors open: theft of sacred items)

Plano Informativo (2016). Riesgoso para templos mantener sus puertas abiertas, se roban hasta ostias. Plano Informativo. 2 June.

Title Riesgoso para templos mantener sus puertas abiertas, se roban hasta ostias
Title (translated) Risks for temples to keep their doors open: theft of sacred items
Publication Date 2nd Jun 2016
Source Plano Informativo
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Threat
Comments The Pope has asked that churches stay open 24 hours a day, some worry this will put sacred art at risk of theft.
Link http://planoinformativo.com/nota/id/462878/noticia/riesgoso-para-templos-mantener-sus-puertas-abiertas,-se-roban-hasta-ostias.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160603082931/http://planoinformativo.com/nota/id/462878/noticia/riesgoso-para-templos-mantener-sus-puertas-abiertas,-se-roban-hasta-ostias.html