INAH renovará catálogo del Arte Sacro, podría tardar hasta 8 años

(INAH to update register of Sacred Art, might take up to 8 years, Spanish)

Pilar Bravo (2014). INAH renovará catálogo del Arte Sacro, podría tardar hasta 8 años. Periodico Digital. 5 August.

Title INAH renovará catálogo del Arte Sacro, podría tardar hasta 8 años
Title (translated) INAH to update register of Sacred Art, might take up to 8 years, Spanish
Publication Date 5th Aug 2014
Source Periodico Digital
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments The only thing that ensures that a piece of sacred art will be returned if it turns up stolen and on the market is a clear government record of its existence (with photo). Mexico says it will take up to 8 years to update their register in Puebla alone. The only thing that ensures that a piece of sacred art will be returned if it turns up stolen and on the market is a clear government record of its existence (with photo). Mexico says it will take up to 8 years to update their register in Puebla alone.