En Izúcar, intentan linchar a ladrón de arte sacro; cómplice huye

(In Izúcar, attempted lynching of sacred art thief, accomplice flees)

Ángulo7 (2016). En Izúcar, intentan linchar a ladrón de arte sacro; cómplice huye. Ángulo7. 29 July.

Title En Izúcar, intentan linchar a ladrón de arte sacro; cómplice huye
Title (translated) In Izúcar, attempted lynching of sacred art thief, accomplice flees
Publication Date 29th Jul 2016
Source Ángulo7
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Arrest
Comments Two men were caught trying to steal paintings from the church, one was almost lynched before authorities intervened.
Link http://www.angulo7.com.mx/2016/07/29/izucar-intentan-linchar-ladron-arte-sacro-complice-huye/
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160730073435/http://www.angulo7.com.mx/2016/07/29/izucar-intentan-linchar-ladron-arte-sacro-complice-huye/