सुपौल: मंदिर से अष्टधातु की बहुमूल्य मूर्तियां चुरा ले गए चोर

(Theft in Ramjanki temple in Supaul, three valuable sculptures stolen)

Live Hindustan (2016). सुपौल: मंदिर से अष्टधातु की बहुमूल्य मूर्तियां चुरा ले गए चोर. Live Hindustan. 13 December.

Title सुपौल: मंदिर से अष्टधातु की बहुमूल्य मूर्तियां चुरा ले गए चोर
Title (translated) Theft in Ramjanki temple in Supaul, three valuable sculptures stolen
Publication Date 13th Dec 2016
Source Live Hindustan
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments After a Monday night prayer service, someone broke the locks to the Ramjanki temple in Supaul and stole three ancient statues. The priest reported the incident the next morning upon discovery.
Link http://www.livehindustan.com/news/bhagalpur/article1-theft-in-ramjanki-temple-in-supaul-stolen-three-valuable-sculptures-629205.html
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161213200540/http://www.livehindustan.com/news/bhagalpur/article1-theft-in-ramjanki-temple-in-supaul-stolen-three-valuable-sculptures-629205.html