Author: Anuraag Saxena

Gods For Sale: Misplaced Priorities And Mercantilism In The Antiquities Bill 2017


Anuraag Saxena, J. Sai Deepak (2017). Gods For Sale: Misplaced Priorities And Mercantilism In The Antiquities Bill 2017. Swarajya Magazine. 28 October.

Heritage crimes: Let's get our past back


Anuraag Saxena (2016). Heritage crimes: Let's get our past back. Sunday Guardian Live. 9 October.

Heritage for sale: Stop the loot of India's past


Anuraag Saxena (2016). Heritage for sale: Stop the loot of India's past. Sunday Guardian Live. 4 October.

India needs to bring heritage-criminals to justice


Anuraag Saxena (2016). India needs to bring heritage-criminals to justice. Sunday Guardian Live. 3 October.